Course Duration / Customizable
6 Months
AI Ready Curriculum
Avg CTC 16 LPA
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Learn from Top Mentors

Kartik MathurAcademics Head & Founding Member
Shresth SahaiSenior Instructor and Product Engineer | Tact.AI
Archit TripathiLead Engineer Make My Trip | EX-OLX

Monu KumarSenior Instructor and Product engineer

Puru KathuriaSWE-III MAANG | Ex-Mathworks
Learn from Top Mentors

Kartik MathurAcademics Head & Founding Member
Archit TripathiLead Engineer at MMT | EX-OLX

Monu KumarSenior Instructor and Product engineer
Shresth SahaiSenior Instructor and Product engineer
Syllabus to make you Industry Ready!
- Arrays
Two Pointers, Binary Search, Divide and Conquer, Matrix, Sorting, Bit manipulation, Sliding Window, Prefix and Suffix Sum, Rotation and Reversal, Kadane's Algorithm, Prime Sieve, Manacher’s Algorithm, Quick, Merge, Insertion, Selection, Bubble, Counting sort, KMP, Z’s, Rabin Karp, Moore’s Voting Algorithm - Linked List
Sorting Algorithms, Finding Intersection, Merging Multiple Linked Lists, Reverse Algorithms, K-Reverse, Reverse Linked List(Data and Pointers Method), Cycle Detection Algorithm(Floyd’s Cycle Detection) - Stack and Queue
Min and Max Stack in O(1) space, Next greater/smaller element, Largest Area in Histogram, Celebrity Problem, Deque - Trees
In order, Pre order, Post order and Level Order(Recursive ways) traversals, Morris traversals(In, Pre and Post order iterative ways), Vertical and Zigzag, Diameter - O(N), Balanced Tree - O(N), Height, Deletion in Trees, Conversion Trees to Linked List, Print views(Top, Down, Left, Right, Zig-Zag), Lowest Common Ancestor, Path Sum Iterations - Priority Queue and Maps
Heapify working, Height of complete binary tree, Most Important Interview Questions, Meeting Rooms, Merge K Linked Lists/Arrays, Finding Min and Max Elements, Median of Infinite Running Stream Numbers, Find K largest/smallest elements/pairs, Collision handling schemes maps, Ordered v/s Unordered Map - Graphs and Tries
BFS and DFS, Traversals: BFT and DFT, Topological Sorting, Bellman Ford, Tries and its questions like Max Xor Pair etc. - Recursion
Basic Questions, Recursion on Arrays, Recursion on Strings, Recursion Grid Based, Recursion on Subsets, Backtracking, Classic Problems like :Chessboard problems: N-Queen/ N-Knight, Rat in Maze, Sudoku Solver, Permutations, Phone Keypad. - Dynamic Programming
Basics of DP like Top down, Bottom Up, Relation between Recursion and DP, 1-D and 2-D DP, Important concepts like: Coin Change, Knapsack, Inclusion and Exclusion, LIS, LCS, Rod Cutting, Edit Distance, Staircase Problem, Chessboard Problems, House Robber
- OOPS Concept
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction - JVM, JRE, JDK, and Memory Management
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Overview, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) vs. Java Development Kit (JDK), Memory Management in Java. - Exception Handling in Java
TBasics of Exception Handling, Exception Types: Checked and Unchecked, Try-Catch Blocks, Finally Block, Throw and Throws Keywords
- Multi-Threading
Introduction to Multi-Threading, Thread Creation and Management, Synchronization and Thread Safety. - Java I/O and Reflection
Input and Output Streams, File Handling in Java, Introduction to Reflection: Dynamically Examining and Modifying Classes. - Collection Framework and Concurrent Package
Collection Interfaces and Classes, List, Set, Map Implementations, Introduction to Concurrent Programming in Java. - Generics in Java and Java 8 Features
Introduction to Generics, Type Safety and Parameterized Types, Overview of Java 8 Features: Lambdas, Streams, Optional, etc. - Java 9 and Upcoming Features
Java 9 Modules System, Enhancements in Java 9, Overview of Upcoming Features. - JDBC and Internationalization
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Basics of Database Access in Java, Introduction to Internationalization (i18n) in Java. - Hibernate
Introduction to Hibernate Framework, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Concepts, Hibernate Architecture and Configuration. - Project Development
User Service and Token Management, Deployment of User Service on GCP/AWS, Integration of Advanced Java Concepts in Project Implementation.
- Introduction To SpringBoot
Overview of Spring Boot Framework, Features and Advantages of Spring Boot, Spring Boot vs. Traditional Spring Framework. - Spring Boot Basics
Setting up a Spring Boot Application, Spring Boot Starter Projects, Spring Boot Auto-Configuration. - Dependency Injection and Spring Beans
Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring Boot, Configuring Spring Beans, @Autowired and @Component Annotations. - Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
Introduction to RESTful Web Services, Creating RESTful APIs with Spring Boot, Handling HTTP Requests and Responses. - Spring Boot MVC
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture, Creating Controllers, Views, and Models in Spring Boot, Request Mapping and Controller Advice. - Spring Boot Data Access
Integration of Spring Data with Spring Boot, CRUD Operations with Spring Data JPA, Database Configuration in Spring Boot. - Spring Boot Security
Introduction to Spring Security, Securing Spring Boot Applications, . - Spring Boot Actuator and Monitoring
Monitoring and Managing Spring Boot Applications, Actuator Endpoints and Metrics, Customizing Actuator in Spring Boot. - Spring Boot Testing
Unit Testing and Integration Testing in Spring Boot, Testing Controllers, Services, and Repositories, Using MockMvc and @SpringBootTest. - Spring Boot Microservices
Introduction to Microservices Architecture, Building Microservices with Spring Boot, Communication between Microservices. - Spring Boot Deployment
Packaging and Deploying Spring Boot Applications, Deployment Strategies: Embedded Tomcat vs. External Containers, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Spring Boot. - Spring Boot Cloud Integration
Integration of Spring Boot with Spring Cloud, Service Discovery, Configuration Management, and Circuit Breaker Patterns in Spring Boot, Deploying Spring Boot Applications on Cloud Platforms like AWS, GCP, or Azure.
- Welcome aboard
Welcome to the course - Browser
What happens when you hit the url on your browser ?What is system Design? Types of System Design HLD intro - Types of Design && Design Basics
LLD intro & SDLC Web App VS Website What is architecture - System types
Monoliths Distributed System LatencyThroughput. - Android Components
Availability Time Consistency - Characteristics
Availability Time Consistency - Storing Hot Data
Websockets & SSE Scaling Techniques Horizontal Scaling - Theorams
Redundancy && Replication Cap theorem Databases - Division of Data
DataBase optimization Partitioning Communication - Communication
Message Based communication Web Apps Rest Apis - Microservices
Microservices & architecture Web Servers && Protocols & App security Service - Design Problem
URL Shortener/ Pastebin Api Rate Limiter. - Design Problem
Youtube Design Web Crawler - Design Problem
Drop Box Uber Backend Design - Design Problem
Twitter Instagram - Design Problem
Ticketmaster design - Basic Of LLD
OOD && OOP Objects && CLASSES - Design Principles
OOP CONCEPTS Solid Principle - Design Principles
SRP Princripal O-C Principal - Design Principles
Livosik Principal - Design Principles
Integration Principal - Design Principles
Dependency Principal Problems - Patterns
Design Patterns - Design Problems
Case Studies - Coding using OOPs
Machine Coding.
- Introduction to React.js
Introduction to React js - import export, , template literals Single page apps, CSR vs SSR ( universal apps , isomorphic apps ) How react works, Webpack - Webpack and babel Hierarchy, Events Handling in Reactjs - Creating pages using React, Events handling and state. - Deep Diving into React.js
Components in Reactjs - Component driven approach, Break page into component , Smart vs dumb component, Props - Props, Lists and keys, NPM & Router, Component lifecycle - Component lifecycle, Hooks, Proptypes. - React.Js hooks
React JS in Depth - 1 - Hooks(useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer and creating custom hooks), React JS in Depth - 2 - Understanding Keys, Fragments, and DB connections). - Redux
React JS - Redux - Learning Redux basics, Advanced Redux - Advanced Redux(Async Code, Handling Http requests, fetching data). - Deployment and Capstone Project
React JS Deployment - React Lazy Loading, firebase-deployment, Starting with NodeJS Project-2 - Food Ordering Classes(React JS). - About Next.Js
Next.js Introduction - Getting Started with NextJS, Understanding NextJS Architecture, Routings & Dynamic Routings, Data Fetching(getInitialProps, getServerSideProbps, useSwr etc.)
- Networking Basics
Application Layer, DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, TFTP, TELNET , Transport layer, TCP Protocol, UDP Protocol , State transition diagram in TCP , Congestion Control policies , Network layer , IPv4. IPv6 , IP addressing , Routing Protocols. Fragmentation , OSI Model , Interview Questions. - Version Control
Understand Version Control Systems , Master Git, the most popular VCS. , Branching - Creating and Merging Branches. , Deploying a Git Repository on Github. , Using Github Pages to deploy websites. , How to collaborate as a team. , Moving back and forth in git timeline. , Advanced Git Features - Rebasing, Stashing, Branching, Merge Conflicts. , Create a Web Portfolio. , Interview Questions. - Everything about Linux
Basic commands, Linux Filesystem, LVM, Linux Networking, Permissions and Firewall, What is Kernel , What is Shell, What is Shell Script, Evolution of the Shell, Shell vs bash, Shell vs Bash vs Other, Which Shell is For You, What is Windows, History, Linux vs Windows, Distributions, Which OS for you, What is Unix?, Unix vs Linux, Unix Limitations, Linux Limitations, Market Trends, Linux Commands , Linux Commands for DevOps, Shell Scripting basics, Git commands,User Administration in Linux, Package Management in Linux, Linux Interview Questions. - Basic of Devops
docker for developers, Forget SDK commands, Using docker images, creating docker images, Publish docker images,docker with common dev profiles, Running containers - Docker Fundamentals
Basics of dockers, Docker Images, Creating Docker images, Publishing docker images, Running Containers - Advanced Docker Concepts
Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Running Kubernetes Clusters, PODs, Replica Sets, Services, Ingress, Auto Scaling, Config MAps, Secrets, Deployments, Interview Questions. - All About Chef
Jenkins X with kubernetes, Ansible From zero to hero, CI CD Pipeline, Interview Questions - Basic Of AWS
AWS terraform from zero to hero, Complete AWS for Devops, Connect to AWS, Connect to Azure, Deploy an Ansible Development Environment with AWS, Dynamic Inventories for Scaling, AWS - Create a Dynamic Inventory, AWS - Use Keyed Groups, Azure - Create a Dynamic Inventory, Azure - Use Keyed Groups, Cloud Patterns, Interview Questions - All About Ansible
Introduction, Build and Run a Container, Variables, Volumes, and DockerHub, Getting Started with Ad-Hoc Commands and Playbooks, Introduction to Ad-Hoc Commands, Create a Playbook, Putting the Ansible Environment to Work, Ad-hoc Commands against Remote Hosts, Playbooks against Remote Hosts, Configure an Nginx Web Server, Configure a Windows IIS Web Server - All About Infra
Introduction to Inventories, Use Groups, Organize Hosts and Group Variables, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Files, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Strings - Reusable Configs
Introduction, Build a Site, Make it Reusable with Ansible Roles, Decoupling Ansible Roles, Build a CI /CD pipeline for Ansible with Github Actions - All about Automation
Intro To Selenium, Applications of selenium, Projects, Complete CI CD PIPELINE PROJECT, Interview Questions
- AI Mastery Program
Prompt Engineering [Effective prompt writing], 10x your presentation using AI, 10x your LinkedIn- LinkedIn Hacks, Multiple AI tools usage for Bypass Paywalls etc., Github Copilot and other AI tools for coding, 10x your Excel, Job Hunting with AI tools
- OOPS Concept
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction - JVM, JRE, JDK, and Memory Management
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Overview, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) vs. Java Development Kit (JDK), Memory Management in Java. - Exception Handling in Java
TBasics of Exception Handling, Exception Types: Checked and Unchecked, Try-Catch Blocks, Finally Block, Throw and Throws Keywords
- Multi-Threading
Introduction to Multi-Threading, Thread Creation and Management, Synchronization and Thread Safety. - Java I/O and Reflection
Input and Output Streams, File Handling in Java, Introduction to Reflection: Dynamically Examining and Modifying Classes. - Collection Framework and Concurrent Package
Collection Interfaces and Classes, List, Set, Map Implementations, Introduction to Concurrent Programming in Java. - Generics in Java and Java 8 Features
Introduction to Generics, Type Safety and Parameterized Types, Overview of Java 8 Features: Lambdas, Streams, Optional, etc. - Java 9 and Upcoming Features
Java 9 Modules System, Enhancements in Java 9, Overview of Upcoming Features. - JDBC and Internationalization
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), Basics of Database Access in Java, Introduction to Internationalization (i18n) in Java. - Hibernate
Introduction to Hibernate Framework, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Concepts, Hibernate Architecture and Configuration. - Project Development
User Service and Token Management, Deployment of User Service on GCP/AWS, Integration of Advanced Java Concepts in Project Implementation.
- Introduction To SpringBoot
Overview of Spring Boot Framework, Features and Advantages of Spring Boot, Spring Boot vs. Traditional Spring Framework. - Spring Boot Basics
Setting up a Spring Boot Application, Spring Boot Starter Projects, Spring Boot Auto-Configuration. - Dependency Injection and Spring Beans
Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring Boot, Configuring Spring Beans, @Autowired and @Component Annotations. - Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
Introduction to RESTful Web Services, Creating RESTful APIs with Spring Boot, Handling HTTP Requests and Responses. - Spring Boot MVC
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture, Creating Controllers, Views, and Models in Spring Boot, Request Mapping and Controller Advice. - Spring Boot Data Access
Integration of Spring Data with Spring Boot, CRUD Operations with Spring Data JPA, Database Configuration in Spring Boot. - Spring Boot Security
Introduction to Spring Security, Securing Spring Boot Applications, . - Spring Boot Actuator and Monitoring
Monitoring and Managing Spring Boot Applications, Actuator Endpoints and Metrics, Customizing Actuator in Spring Boot. - Spring Boot Testing
Unit Testing and Integration Testing in Spring Boot, Testing Controllers, Services, and Repositories, Using MockMvc and @SpringBootTest. - Spring Boot Microservices
Introduction to Microservices Architecture, Building Microservices with Spring Boot, Communication between Microservices. - Spring Boot Deployment
Packaging and Deploying Spring Boot Applications, Deployment Strategies: Embedded Tomcat vs. External Containers, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with Spring Boot. - Spring Boot Cloud Integration
Integration of Spring Boot with Spring Cloud, Service Discovery, Configuration Management, and Circuit Breaker Patterns in Spring Boot, Deploying Spring Boot Applications on Cloud Platforms like AWS, GCP, or Azure.
- SOLID Principles
What happens when you hit the url on your browser ?What is system Design? Types of System Design HLD intro - Design Patterns
Learn design patterns such as Factory, AbstractFactory, Visitor, Singleton, Strategy, pubsub, State, Builder etc. - UML Diagrams
Learn to generate UML diagrams. - Schema Design
Learn to build schema designs to make your applications. - Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagrams
To define the relationships between entities in a database. - Machine Coding Exercises
Parking Lot System Design, Splitwise, Elevator Design, Booking App etc. - Design Problem
URL Shortener/ Pastebin Api Rate Limiter. - Design Problem
Online Ticket Booking System, Build An E-Commerce Website, Design True caller, Design Snake and Ladder Game, Design Bill Sharing/Expense Sharing like Splitwise, Design Distributed Id Generation like Twitter Snowflake id etc. - Coding using OOPs
Machine Coding.
- Diving into HLD
Learning important concepts of HLD such as Consistent Hashing, Caching Strategies, CAP Theorem etc, Rate Limiting/ Throttling Techniques etc. - Different types of databases.
Learn difference between SQL and NoSQL, along with important topics such as ACID and BASE Properties etc. - Deep Diving into databases.
Mongo, Dynamo, Cassandra D, Elastic concepts, Scalability Concepts etc. - Deployment and other important tools.
Technologies such as Zookeeper, Kafka, Redis, AWS S3 etc. - Microservices Architecture vs. Monolithic Architecture
Learn about the different architectures. - Case Studies
Solve interview/industry required case studies such as Tiny URL, BookMyShow, Facebook/Instagram News Feed, Payment Systems etc.
- Introduction to React.js
Introduction to React js - import export, , template literals Single page apps, CSR vs SSR ( universal apps , isomorphic apps ) How react works, Webpack - Webpack and babel Hierarchy, Events Handling in Reactjs - Creating pages using React, Events handling and state. - Deep Diving into React.js
Components in Reactjs - Component driven approach, Break page into component , Smart vs dumb component, Props - Props, Lists and keys, NPM & Router, Component lifecycle - Component lifecycle, Hooks, Proptypes. - React.Js hooks
React JS in Depth - 1 - Hooks(useState, useEffect, useRef, useReducer and creating custom hooks), React JS in Depth - 2 - Understanding Keys, Fragments, and DB connections). - Redux
React JS - Redux - Learning Redux basics, Advanced Redux - Advanced Redux(Async Code, Handling Http requests, fetching data). - Deployment and Capstone Project
React JS Deployment - React Lazy Loading, firebase-deployment, Starting with NodeJS Project-2 - Food Ordering Classes(React JS). - About Next.Js
Next.js Introduction - Getting Started with NextJS, Understanding NextJS Architecture, Routings & Dynamic Routings, Data Fetching(getInitialProps, getServerSideProbps, useSwr etc.)
- Introduction to Operating systems and Networking
Operating System Fundamentals, Semaphores, Process Scheduling, Deadlocks, Process Syncronization etc. - Deep diving into OS concepts
Learn about Memory management, File system management, Threading - Diving into world of Networking
OSI Model, HTTP/1.1&2, Routing Protocols, Understanding How the Internet Works (TCP, UDP, HTTP, Layered Architecture), Websocket communication etc. - Database SQL
Relational Model, CRUD Operations, Joins, Aggregation Functions, Subqueries, Transactions Management, Indexing etc.
- Networking Basics
Application Layer, DNS, SMTP, HTTP, FTP, TFTP, TELNET , Transport layer, TCP Protocol, UDP Protocol , State transition diagram in TCP , Congestion Control policies , Network layer , IPv4. IPv6 , IP addressing , Routing Protocols. Fragmentation , OSI Model , Interview Questions. - Version Control
Understand Version Control Systems , Master Git, the most popular VCS. , Branching - Creating and Merging Branches. , Deploying a Git Repository on Github. , Using Github Pages to deploy websites. , How to collaborate as a team. , Moving back and forth in git timeline. , Advanced Git Features - Rebasing, Stashing, Branching, Merge Conflicts. , Create a Web Portfolio. , Interview Questions. - Everything about Linux
Basic commands, Linux Filesystem, LVM, Linux Networking, Permissions and Firewall, What is Kernel , What is Shell, What is Shell Script, Evolution of the Shell, Shell vs bash, Shell vs Bash vs Other, Which Shell is For You, What is Windows, History, Linux vs Windows, Distributions, Which OS for you, What is Unix?, Unix vs Linux, Unix Limitations, Linux Limitations, Market Trends, Linux Commands , Linux Commands for DevOps, Shell Scripting basics, Git commands,User Administration in Linux, Package Management in Linux, Linux Interview Questions. - Basic of Devops
docker for developers, Forget SDK commands, Using docker images, creating docker images, Publish docker images,docker with common dev profiles, Running containers - Docker Fundamentals
Basics of dockers, Docker Images, Creating Docker images, Publishing docker images, Running Containers - Advanced Docker Concepts
Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Running Kubernetes Clusters, PODs, Replica Sets, Services, Ingress, Auto Scaling, Config MAps, Secrets, Deployments, Interview Questions. - All About Chef
Jenkins X with kubernetes, Ansible From zero to hero, CI CD Pipeline, Interview Questions - Basic Of AWS
AWS terraform from zero to hero, Complete AWS for Devops, Connect to AWS, Connect to Azure, Deploy an Ansible Development Environment with AWS, Dynamic Inventories for Scaling, AWS - Create a Dynamic Inventory, AWS - Use Keyed Groups, Azure - Create a Dynamic Inventory, Azure - Use Keyed Groups, Cloud Patterns, Interview Questions - All About Ansible
Introduction, Build and Run a Container, Variables, Volumes, and DockerHub, Getting Started with Ad-Hoc Commands and Playbooks, Introduction to Ad-Hoc Commands, Create a Playbook, Putting the Ansible Environment to Work, Ad-hoc Commands against Remote Hosts, Playbooks against Remote Hosts, Configure an Nginx Web Server, Configure a Windows IIS Web Server - All About Infra
Introduction to Inventories, Use Groups, Organize Hosts and Group Variables, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Files, Secure Secrets with Ansible Vault: Use Encrypted Strings - Reusable Configs
Introduction, Build a Site, Make it Reusable with Ansible Roles, Decoupling Ansible Roles, Build a CI /CD pipeline for Ansible with Github Actions - All about Automation
Intro To Selenium, Applications of selenium, Projects, Complete CI CD PIPELINE PROJECT, Interview Questions
- AI Mastery Program
Prompt Engineering [Effective prompt writing], 10x your presentation using AI, 10x your LinkedIn- LinkedIn Hacks, Multiple AI tools usage for Bypass Paywalls etc., Github Copilot and other AI tools for coding, 10x your Excel, Job Hunting with AI tools
Top skills that you will master!
Industry Projects
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₹69,999 + 18% GST
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